Dehradun to Karnaprayag taxi
The distance from Dehradun to Karnaprayag is about 210 KM, the time require to cover the route from Dehradun to Karnaprayag is about 6 hours. Karnaprayag is one of the famous panch prayag in Uttarakhand, Karnaprayag is located on the banks of river Alaknanda and Pindari river both the river meet at Karnaprayag. Karnaprayag is located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, Karnaprayag have many amazing sightseeings you can cover, also it is famous for the amazing weather whole year. With Ganpati Tours taxi service it is our duty to cover the sightseeing and the famous tourist spots nearby the city so if you don't know which places are good to see or visit then here we are to help you out.
You can book any types of cab from Ganpati Tours at very efficient rates like Innova, Sedan, Etios, etc. Just call or WhatsApp us on 7055333356 we will tell you which cab is suitable for your trip for Dehradun to Karnaprayag via Srinagar, Rudraprayag, Devprayag, etc. We also cover the sightseeing on the way if you want to visit, Our all the cabs are well maintained and sanitized, Also we have a team of skilled and excellent drivers who are expert in hill regions and know the exact route. So, What are you waiting for ?? call us know and get your cab booked for Dehradun to Karnaprayag
Why hire taxi from Ganpati Tours Dehradun to Karnaprayag ?
- Clean and Sanitize cabs.
- Secure and safe ride with verified drivers.
- New model cabs.
- Transparency with our customers.
- Promise of comfortable journey.
Car option from Dehradun to Karnaprayag ??
- Swift Dzire.
- Toyota Etios.
- Tata Zest.
- Honda Amaze
- Toyota Innova.
- Toyota Innova Crysta.
- Tempo Traveller