Dehradun to Bareilly Taxi
The distance from Dehradun to Bareilly is about 350 KM only , If you are planning to visit by road it will take about 6 hours and 30 minutes to reach Bareilly from Dehradun. Bareilly is in the top 100 smartest cities of India, Bareilly is the metro city located in Uttar Pardesh. There is a bollywood movie name 'Bareilly ki Barfi' based on love story of Bareilly. So , if you have a plan of visiting Bareilly from Dehradun by cab then Ganpati Tours is the best option for you because we provide cab Dehradun to Bareilly for one way & round trips at very low budget which means we are friendly and pocket friendly too. We have all types of cab available like Innova, Sedan, Ertiga, Etios, Dzire and tempo traveller you just demand we will provide you cab instantly all you have to do is just dial our number or WhatsApp us on 7055333356. Our expert will suggest you the best cab which will fit both your need and your budget. There are several famous places to visit in Bareilly for having fun with your family and friends. So, What are you waiting for book your cab from Ganpati Tours and get 14% off on your first ride for Dehradun to Bareilly.
Why book taxi from Ganpati Tours from Dehradun to Bareilly
- Secure and safest ride.
- Sanitize and clean cabs.
- Skiled drivers for chardham tours with local area knowledge.
- We cover all the sightseeing in route of Badrinath without any extra cost.
- Halt cab when passenger want to relax and have some tea or coffee break.
Car hire option from Dehradun to Bareilly
- Dzire
- Etios
- Zest
- Innova, Innova Crysta
- Tempo Traveller